There are many
forms and means of torturing prisoners as it occurs in the North
American and more specifically in the Canadian context. Torture is
illegal in Canada and prevented by several bodies of law including the Corrections and
Conditional Release Act (CCRA), which mandates prisoner treatment,
and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canada has also ratified international agreements which prevent us from engaging in torture on any level, including turning a blind eye. [UN Basic
Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners ; Convention
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (CAT)]. Despite this fact, we have witnessed many
examples over the years and especially since 9/11 where politicians
and others in positions of power excused or re-classified torture as
something less than torture.
The Canadian
government, mainstream media, and even much of the Canadian public
have been complicit in Canada's involvement in the torture of
prisoners abroad (Mahar Arar, Abousfian Abdelrazik, Abdullah Almalki, Muayyed Nureddin, Ahmad El Maati, and Afghan detainees,
all of whom were handed over to torturers by the Canadian government and our allies). And complicit in
the torture of prisoners here at home (Ashley Smith, Donald Marshall Jr., David Milgaard, Guy Paul Morin, Ahmad Mustafa Ghany, Zakaria Amara)
Mahar Arar
Ashley Smith
To guard against the
practice of torturing prisoner's we have built in rights and
protections for the treatment of prisoners in western society.
Despite this, there is little oversight, access to, or supervision of
prisoners, guards, and other staff in the prison setting. What goes
on behind those walls is for the most part closed to the public view.
Even with legal protections and codes of conduct built into the
system, prisoners who protest run the risk of making things much
worse for themselves inside.
Muddying the
waters further is the fact that what constitutes torture is never
really spelled out with any adequate or effective detail in law,
rules, or conventions. Much is left open to interpretation. And
some policies and procedures for dealing with non-compliant
or mentally ill prisoners, are in fact forms of torture. However
they may not be considered so by law. And in those cases where the
courts would likely rule practices to constitute torture, the courts are never given a chance to do so because it
is too expensive and too dangerous for most prisoners to persevere and take
their cases to a judge.
A UN report
(2010), which investigated accusations that NATO countries, including
Canada, had turned over Afghan detainees to certain torture, defined
torture as occurring
State officials, acting in their official capacity inflict or order,
consent or acquiesce, to the infliction of severe physical or mental
pain or suffering against an individual to obtain a confession or
information, or to punish or discriminate against the individual."
can see from this particular definition that much is left open to
interpretation. And interpretation is known to morph, shift, and
change as societal attitudes change, new governments take power, etc.
instance when considering what causes metal anguish or suffering, one
must concede that it varies from person to person and from time to
time. Depending on a persons physical and mental health to begin
with, pain or suffering may begin much earlier in the process than
with healthier persons. Not only does the point at which pain and suffering
begins vary from person to person, but interpreting it or
understanding the presence of it can vary from one torturer to
So how is torture
determined in Canada?
Overt forms of
cruel and unusual punishment which few would or could argue, not to
be torture, are acts of violence causing serious injury that maims,
or kills.
Even less clear
in defining what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment are
policies which deny pain relief and treatment for non-lethal but
severe and chronic medical conditions, cutting off treatment for
Trans-gendered prisoners undergoing hormonal therapy, not allowing
Trans prisoners to self identify their own gender, not providing
prisoners basic supplies to maintain hygiene, conducting late night cell
searches, denying the minimum allowable by law for yard, phone, and
shower time, etc.
I believe that
whether these repugnant prison routines constitute torture or not in
the minds of politicians and the Canadian people would become very
clear if they themselves or a loved one were subjected to such
I spent several months, hours
each day, and up through the long, long nights rocking myself
quietly back and forth because I could do nothing else. It was the
worst kind of painful hell imaginable. I can hardly describe the
feeling of utter hopelessness, frustration, and despair at being
denied the basic human right to look after ones own body, your own
needs. At being locked in this place with your life and well being
in the hands of ill trained, indifferent, and uncaring staff, some of
whom will be the most psychotic, masochistic people any of us have
ever had the misfortune to meet.
I was eventually
given basic medical treatment for a straight forward, easily treatable medical issue.
I was not provided a choice about which treatment I wanted and
I would have chose other options had others been open to me. For this privilege I had to
wait 3 months. Others wait much longer. And some prisoners are
never provided relief from the torture or from their torturers.
- The Fifth Estate on Ashley Smith
Jan 2010
- Cruel and Unusual:US Film surrounding the issue of being Transgender in prison. With interviews of US prisoners. (on Youtube)
- Justice Behind the Walls. For a story on solitary confinement from the 70's in Canada which changed some of the law surrounding how long someone could be continuously held in solitary.
- Canadian Prison Law I found the below court case on a web site called Canadian Prison Law ( which looks at among other things prisoner treatment, solitary confinement, and strip searches. I've included one court case where a prisoner brought a challenge under both the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, and the Canadian Charter. He challenged the use of restraints which are not permitted as a form of punishment, but to be used for inmate or staff safety only.
- Issue of Restraint in MacPherson v. Regina
68. Instruments of restraint -
No person shall apply an instrument of restraint to an offender as
69. Cruel treatment, etc -
person shall administer, instigate, consent to or acquiesce in any
cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment of an offender.
v. R - (1996), 106
C.C.C. (3d) 271, 48 C.R. (4th) 122, 177 N.B.R. (2d) 1, [1996] N.B.J.
No.182 (N.B.Q.B.T.D.)
prisoner in a provincial jail was granted a habeas corpus application
where a court found that he was the victim of the use of unreasonable
and excessive force and illegal actions by jail guards. Videotape
evidence revealed that while occupying a bare cell, the prisoner
repeatedly kicked his cell door in an attempt to get the attention of
the guard to allow him to call a lawyer. Several guards then strapped
the prisoner for two to three hours face down onto a stretcher and
placed a hockey helmet and wire mask over his head. The court found
that the prisoner was strapped to the stretcher as punishment for
creating a disturbance, rather than for reasons of his own protection
or protection of others. It was held that he was a victim of cruel
and unusual treatment and arbitrary detention in violation of his
rights under s12
and s9
of the Charter. The court then asserted that if M were a federal
prisoner subject to the CCRA, the way he was mistreated would also
invite consideration of s68
and s69
of that Act.
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